3 Big Reasons Why Small Home Improvements Make Good Sense


Do you think big when it comes to improving your home? You’d be forgiven for thinking along these lines, and yet there is a lot to commend the idea of thinking on a smaller scale.

If you need convincing, perhaps these three reasons will help. As you are about to find out, small improvements can be just as good – if not better – than big ones.

1. They’re much cheaper and thus more affordable
Small home improvements are indeed cheaper. Instead of building a new extension, why not redecorate a room and repurpose it instead? A spare bedroom could be repurposed into an office by replacing the bed with a sofa bed and adding a computer desk instead. You’ll have to spend money on the furniture of course, but it is cheaper and more practical than finding the money for a new conservatory or extension.

2. Small changes can still make a big visual improvement
People tend to forget this aspect. Certainly, a new extension would have the wow factor, but it would also be expensive and difficult to afford for many people. If you want to improve your home you can easily redecorate a room or change one aspect of it – such as the colour of the walls. Try changing the scatter cushions on a sofa or adding some mood lighting; you might be surprised at how different the outcome is.

3. Small improvements can help to reduce the chances of needing bigger improvements later on
In this sense we’re talking about the likes of preventative improvements. For example, if you have wood framed windows they will gradually rot away unless you take regular steps to protect and preserve the wood. If you have painted frames you will need to check their condition and maintain them every year or two. If you do this, they’re only likely to need a quick sand down and a fresh coat of paint. You can also check the condition of the putty holding in the glass and replace any sections that require it. Compare this treatment to the situation you’d find yourself in if the frames rotted and you can see how the cheap and easy upkeep is better than not doing anything and paying for new windows as a result.

See also  Home Improvement Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home

As you can see, it isn’t always necessary to spend a significant sum of money to get the result you want. Before you go for the big home changes, think about the small changes you could make quite easily (in a weekend, perhaps) that would improve the look and feel of your home. You may be surprised how many possibilities you come up with.

Are you in need of help and advice regarding the upkeep and maintenance of your home? If you are, Thrift Handy can provide the help you need. Created by Thrift Urban Housing, the service could be just what you need to improve your home. Visit Thrift Urban now for more details of this service.